Time check: 8.33 am. I woke up with a throbbing headache, my mouth felt like a dessert, and my body felt like it was thrown down from the 3rd story building.
Struggled to get up and grab a thermometer, placed it in my mouth and waited. The numbers seem to rise quickly to 37.5 ℃ and then slowly, it continue to ascend to 38.4 ℃.
My body continued to ache, and I plonked back to bed and closed my eyes, hoping that everything would be fine when I woke up. After all, I've only slept for about 5 hours before the pain from the headache and body ache woke me up.
So I closed my eyes, thought of happy thoughts, tried humming a song in my head to force myself back to sleep. But all I could feel was the pain radiating in every part of my body, and a headache that throbbed so hard, I thought my brain would explode any time soon.
"This can't do," I thought to myself. Reluctantly, I forced myself out of bed, went to my parents room with a thermometer showing 38.4℃ and shoved it to my mum saying "What does this mean?"
Haha. Quite a funny question to ask really. Anyway, mom just touched my forehead and asked me to self-medicate. So I shoved down a Panadol Extra, went back to bed and tried to force myself to sleep.
Time check: 9.00 am. This time, the snoozing from my alarm irritated the hell out of me, and the pain in my body didn't subside. The fever and headache however, seemed to subside. Got out of bed this time round with no intention of catching anymore sleep. Dragged myself to the toilet and brushed my teeth, turned on the computer, and fed Ruby.
Time check: 9.15 am. Finished typing this post and off to make my coffee. What a morning!
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