
Punggol Beach


Punggol Beach

Ok I admit. Despite being a Singapore Citizen for 21 years, I had absolutely no idea that there's a beach at Punggol.

It was only when my friend - CS and I went there for a little camera outing, did I realize that such a place actually exists in Singapore.

Jetty at Punggol Beach

So anyway, the trip to Punggol Beach was my very first camera outing, where I've managed to learn more about the technical aspects of a DSLR, how to take a 'meaninful' shots, the functions etc..

Sad to say that even though I had played around with a friend's DSLR prior to this trip, the learning curve was pretty steep because after all, I don't own a DSLR and let's just say that the distance between a point and shoot camera and a DSLR is like heaven and earth.

Rocky path leading back to the road

Even so, I'm glad that I've learnt a few tips and tricks from this camera outing (Thank you CS!) and now, I can't wait to get my very own DSLR! :D

P/s: Punggol beach is pretty romantic in the day or at night. Couples can consider going there for a quiet getaway!

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