


Ever since young, I've always been paranoid when something medically wrong happens to me. Even the slightest problem like a common flu or a tummy ache would usually lead me to think that I have either Nose Cancer or Stomach Ulcers. The worse thing is that more often than not, I don't seek medical attention because consultation fees in private clinics are so expensive and human queues in Polyclinics are too darn long. As such, I usually self medicate, hold out till whatever pain subsides, and well, exercise some faith and pray for healing.

So recently, my period didn't come for 2 months and that scared that hell out of me. The first paranoia that came to my mind wasn't Pregnancy because there were no birds and the bees. However, it was the thought of having Uterine Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts that made my mind race through the scenarios of having surgery, scans and even a pap smear. I was anxious and curious as to why this phenomena was happening, and reluctantly, I went to see a doctor.

To be honest, I was wondering if I should consult a Gynecologist or a normal Doctor who knows a thing or two about Woman's Health. In the end, I chose the latter because the thought of paying a hefty sum for consulting the Gynecologist turned me off.

So after school, I went to the nearest clinic that provided services for Woman's health as well - Northeast Tampines Medical Centre Pte Ltd. Fortunately it wasn't the peak hour yet and hence there wasn't any queue. After registering and doing the necessary administrative procedures, I knocked on the doctor's door and went in.

I was quite surprise to see a male doctor waiting for me instead of a female doctor, considering that they provided female health-care services. Nonetheless, I sat down, told him my concerns and he began his series of questions such as "Are you under stress? Do you have problems sleeping? Any drastic weight loss in the recent months? Am I aneroxic?" I answered accordingly and to my relief, he said that such problems that I face is (as quoted by him) "super-duper-duper common." He then prescribed to me Norethisterone - A drug that induces my period and regulates my hormones. I was supposed to consume it twice in the morning, twice at night, daily for 20 days consecutively.


He warned me however, that if my period doesn't come after consuming the pills for 20 days, I should consult him again and proceed to do further tests which in his opinion, is pretty costly.

Sigh. Today will mark the fourth day and I've got sixteen days left before it comes. Well, it might come earlier than expected (which is exactly what I am hoping for), but if it doesn't come after the 20th day, I'll be in serious trouble.

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