Then I headed on to Primary School, became a prefect and coincidentally, one of my main duties was to command the whole entire school for Flag Raising as well as the Pledge recitation. You would have guessed that the very first time I stepped on the rostrum, I almost hyperventilated because I was so scared! Subsequently, this duty became so mundane that reciting the pledge became so intuitive. I was 10-12 years old back then and I thought to myself "How could anyone forget how to sing the National Anthem or recite the Pledge?"
Moving on to my Junior College days, the Pledge and the National Anthem continued to stay in my head. Then again I wondered "How could anyone forget how to sing the National Anthem or recite the Pledge?"

So recently in conjunction with this year's NDP (National Day Parade), I decided to support the Pledge Moment and hopefully, win a NDP09 Funpack and $50 Polar Electro vouchers by taking part in this movement. You can also visit NDPeeps website for more on this year's NDP.
That looks easy? Gosh it was actually my third take because for the first few takes, I had long pauses indicative that I forgot some parts of the Pledge! :$
So can you recall reciting the Pledge? If so, take part in this movement and show your support here! Perhaps you can win a NDP09 Funpack too!
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