School - In a month or so, I will be taking my exams and after which, I will officially complete my Advanced Diploma and move on to my second year of degree. But from now till then, classes seem surprisingly dull and uninteresting. Thank goodness for friends that color my days with laughter and fun. That reminds me, I have got 2 pending assignments due next week. Gosh.
Ministry - Because of the Cameron Highlands trip last weekend, I didn't attend church and I honestly miss that weekly routine. Other than that, walk with God seems slow and peaceful. God has indeed been faithful and good.
Life - My friends say that my life is so exciting because of the frequency of overseas trips I have gone recently - Batam in June, Batu Pahat in August, and Cameron Highlands last weekend. Well, I believe that life is short, we should all take some time to stop and smell the roses. Especially for myself, I've always like to travel and see the world. But until I have the money to travel to places like Australia, Europe and so on, I'll start with Malaysia first.
Pet - Ruby has been fine, most of the time bored in his cage. He's growing to be a big boy now, and excluding his occasional mischief, he's still as adorable as ever.
Love - In about 4 months, dear and I will step into our 7th year of our relationship. People often drop their jaws when they hear of how long we've been together. Some even ask me for some tips to being in such a long relationship. Like the chorus of the song "The way I was made" by Chris Tomlin, I think the fundamental ingredient of being in a relationship is to 'give like you've got plenty, love like you're not afraid'. Above all, I thank God for his mercy and wisdom in this relationship because we are no different from any other relationship; there are times where we disagree, have cold wars, quarrel yet on the other hand, there are times where we love, we have fun, we enjoy the presence of each others company. So truly, there is no secret in the success of any relationship because love, never fails.
All in all, life has been really good and I am enjoying every moment of it.
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