
Ruby's A Boy!


Some time ago, I was confused with the identity of Ruby. I vaguely recalled the Shop Keeper telling me that Ruby's a boy. But as he grew older, I couldn't see any of his male genitals! That got me confused and a little paranoid, but oh well, I decided to leave the matter under the carpet because boy or girl, I still love him they same.

So recently, I finally let him out after a long period of time due to my knee injury; which made it difficult for me to bend my knees, let him out, supervise him, and/or run after him if gets out of hand.

But while he was hopping about, I noticed 2 bumps at his rump and I thought it was some sort of tumor or cysts. It really didn't help when Ruby kept moving about because the moment I wanted to touch it or feel it, he would hop away.

Due to the lack of judgement, I thought well, it was some sort of hair ball that was clumped together by his urine or some sort.

So off I went, to the dressing cupboard and took out a pair or hair dressing scissors; preparing to cut off the "hair clump".

Fortunately I stood by the notion "When in doubt, don't do it." So I decided to check again and this time round, I carried him with one hand on his chest and the other on his rump and I went "Oh!"

Yes there they are! My rabbit is a boy and I can't believe I almost killed Ruby in the process of finding out! :$

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