
Banana Happiness


I have no idea why Ruby loves Bananas so much. Probably he and his owner share certain similarities. But if that's the case, then he should love to eat durians more than bananas. :)

Anyway, I always find it amazing how Ruby can smell the scent of a banana even when he cannot see it. He'll then start getting all excited and hoping that I will share my banana with him.

So yesterday, I took a video of him sharing a banana with me. Unfortunately, it took forever to upload the video so I thought that perhaps, pictures would suffice.

Tempting Ruby with a banana. Don't worry, he doesn't get to eat the whole banana. I share it with him.

He takes notice of it and starts becoming hysterical. Too bad, he has to answer the call of nature first.

This is what I usually do: I bite off teeny weeny bit of banana and give it to him

See how excited and happy he is? A banana never fails to make my rabbit happy. :)

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