So I shall call it goals, rather than resolutions. After all, "goals" sound much achievable than "resolutions", which people often break probably a day after making them.
This year, just like most people on planet earth, I've set my goals. Here they are:
1. Do well at work and at school.
It's a really takes a lot of discipline and "balancing" skills to juggle between both. But it's been about a month since I've taken part time studies and gone into full time work, and I thank God for His strength and mercies that sustain me thus far.
Note to God: I would really need much more strength and wisdom for the whole of this year. Thank You.
2. Draw close to Him.
Having to serve Him regularly is indeed my privilege and honor. However, I've got to make a mental and spiritual note that I do not get too overwhelmed with serving and end up being a burnt offering instead of a living sacrifice.
Reading the Word CONSISTENTLY is also a mental reminder and a goal I'd definitely like to achieve.
3. Be Myself.
While having this innate and incessant need to please others, I've realized that I end up being what others want or hope that I can be, instead of being who I want to be. It might sound selfish, but hey! I'm living my life, and I've acknowledge that (depending on how would perceive it,) there is only one of me in the whole world.
So yes. No longer shall I get upset of what others might say or think. It's time to be me, myself, and I.
There you go. There are my three goals. How about you? :)
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