First my morning started off bad when I couldn't open my bike box. I tried all means and ways to turn the key but it just couldn't turn! Grrr. Then came along 2 Indian workers who were nice enough to help me, but to no avail as well. After several failed attempts, I gave up and ended up taking the bus to work instead.
Because the bus crawled its way to work, I ended up being late for work, It made me even more upset, but well, at least I made it to work in half an hour despite the bus's incredible slow speed.
Like those two incidents were not bad enough to make me vexed and irritable, work began to pile up even before I reached the office. In my unsettled state, I began replying urgent emails, executing what needs to be done, and gosh - I felt like I was in a whirlwind of all the hustle and bustle!
To add on to the pressure, dear, who happens to be my colleague and sits directly opposite my table, left for Jakarta on a business trip. He being more senior and experienced in this job than I am, would often lend a helping hand or provide some sort of guidance to ensure that I am at least on the right track. But since he's on a business trip, I am left to make decisions on my feet. It's scary, I tell you. However, it has made me more appreciative of his existence as my colleague.
Topping things up, dear left for Jakarta without saying goodbye. No calls, no SMS-es, no hugs - NOTHING. I was miserable. And with the rest of the previous incidents mentioned, I was overwhelmed with emotions. In fact I felt like crying it all out and releasing all that misery and accumulated pressure.
But no, there was no time was that. Fortunately, work kept me "in sane" (pun intended haha), and I was able to hold back the tears and focus on the tasks on hand.
Now that friday is past and I am glad to declare that I'VE SURVIVED! :D
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