
Traveling Woes


Each time dear goes on a business trip, I'll usually pick him up at the airport. Yesterday was no exception, I arrived at Changi Airport Terminal 1 and waited for him at the arrivals hall outside belt 23.

After 20 minutes or so, I saw dear walking out from belt 23. He couldn't find me among the crowd, but my eyes were locked onto him like a predator to a prey. Dear walked out from the glass doors and I followed him until I was behind him, before giving him a hug from the back. It caught him by surprise, and he turned around and greeted me with a weak smile.

That was when I knew that something was amiss. Dear looked pale, his smile was frail, he appeared weak, his stride was small with great effort. All my excitement and joy melted in that instance, and immediately, I asked what's wrong.

Dear described his discomfort, especially the unsettling and uneasy feeling of nausea. I felt helpless, I didn't know what to do to help. All I could think of was to pray.

So we took the sky train back to Terminal 3 and after several walks, dear finally plonked unto a chair and buried his head in his hands to rest. Immediately, I ran to Watsons Pharmacy to see if there was any medication that can alleviate his discomfort and nausea. Unfortunately, the medicine that treats motion sickness causes drowsiness, which dear didn't want to take because he wanted to ride home.

We decided and hoped that some rest would do the trick. However, even an hour and a half or rest didn't make him feel better. I was getting worried by the minute, and my mind started thinking if it was something else other than motion sickness.

But in all my paranoia and anxiety, I offered dear some water, and I guess that was the trigger for his vomit. He then quickly proceeded to the nearest toilet where he puked for the second time.

Fortunately, he felt a bit better after vomiting and we made our way back home.

It was a worrying and scary experience. But it sure was a good reminder to bring motion sickness pill everywhere we go next time. Anyhow, dear's feeling much better now. PHEW!~

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