
Prayer Of Thanksgiving


After a long time, I finally attended cell on Thursday. I was blessed by the fellowship, and of course the word.

In the midst of the discussion, someone brought up the issue of how prayer is often about our problems; how we ask God for help in different situation and circumstances.

It was then when a though struck me hard. "Hey wait a minute. If that is so, then does this mean that the biblical character - Daniel, had so many problems that he had to pray three times a day?" I thought to myself.

So I went back to the word and referenced back to this verse:

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. Daniel 6:10

It then occurred to me that often, at least for me, I find it so hard to pray for long because my prayers are usually in need of some divine help or forgiveness etc. And I guess the reason why Daniel could pray so consistently and faithfully with such discipline is because, he knew that there are simply too many things to thank God for.

And it encouraged me, set my mind to think that perhaps, that is how we as believers should approach prayer. After all, there are simply too many thing He has done and has yet to do that we should be thankful for.

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