In the course of being a rabbit owner for the past year, I've come to realize that rabbits shed fur (apart from dropping their little loose fur everyday) from time to time.
But a few days ago, mom started complaining about the large amounts of fur that Ruby was shedding. She suspected that Ruby might have contracted some kind of skin disease, and suggested that I bring him to the vet. But before I start a panic attack and put him on a pet ambulance, I decided to groom him, and check out his fur condition at the same time.
So I did so yesterday, and saw that he is indeed dropping lots of fur, but as I reflect upon the causes of his condition, I realized that nothing has changed. He is still eating the same dry food, same water from the tap, same treats (banana once in a blue moon). Hence I figured that I should monitor his fur condition for a while more to see if things go out of hand.
But in the grooming process, I spotted several clumped fur and gosh it was so visually disturbing. Immediately, I brought out the scissors and began cutting off all the thick clumped fur, the excess long fur etc etc.
It took about half an hour before his fur-cut was done, and I stood there beaming with pride. And I really do have to applaud how still he was throughout the whole fur-cut. Such an obedient darling!
Well, I do hope he likes his trim. It does make him look skinnier anyway!
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