
Brushes And Strokes


With a little bit more time on my hands now, I find myself frequently playing with Ruby; feeding him, stroking him, brushing him, and sometimes giving him a bath.

So today, I decided to brush Ruby so as to get rid of any loose fur which he might unconsciously consume while he does his usual grooming and licking.

Because I haven't brushed him in quite a while, he seemed a bit cautious of the brush, as if it was some kind of scary monster with sharp teeth.

I really like this photo! You can see how inquisitive and curious he gets with just a simple brush. Ultimate cuteness!

After getting familiar with the brush, Ruby then decides to settle down and let me brush him. Isn't he a darling, patiently standing there while I brush him?

A few strokes and brushes later, you can see Ruby's eyelids getting heavier. He seems to like it a lot, and that makes me feel like a very satisfied and responsible pet owner.

Ahhhhh. Finally Ruby drifts off to sleep after constant cooing and brushing. I am even more satisfied now! :D

Lastly, I end off by giving him several gentle rubs and strokes on his head, which he really seems to love.

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