However today, I was convicted to write a thanksgiving list for the major events that happened to my this year. Wouldn't that be different? After all, we have been focusing on making new resolutions each year and forgetting the importance of taking to reflect and give thanks. Hence, whilst the entire year is getting ready to welcome 2009 with their new resolutions, I shall take some time to give thanks first, before 2008 comes to an end.
So here goes:
First up, I would like to give thanks for my exam today. Admittedly, I didn't manage to have enough time to study because of all the Christmas Celebrations. However on the last day, I managed to cram my revision notes and do some last minute mugging. It works for me somehow, even though I jolly well know that it is not good. For the past few exams I had, I only place my hopes on a particular set of exam questions that might come out, but this time round, I was convinced to study both sets of exam questions and I THANK GOD I DID because the set of exam questions that everyone thought will not come out, came out and therefore I was able to do my paper. As I left the exam room, I heaved a sigh of relief and thank God immediately for His wisdom and grace.
Secondly, I would like to give thanks for a miraculous driving test which I passed and am still in awe when I think about it.
Thirdly, I would like to give thanks for safety and protection on the roads thus far. I have been a good pillion and dear, a good and safe rider.
Fourthly, I would like to give thanks for dear, for always physically being there as much as you can, sending me from point to point, making me happy by making use of your make-grace-happy budget.
There are so much for me to give thanks for and the list is simply too long. Nonetheless, it is never too late to start counting your blessings and gaining some perspective in life. Perhaps then, we might come to realize that how fortunate we really are.
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