
Of Birthday Parties


I attended my cousin's 12th birthday last week and I was surprised to see a room full of adults sitting around instead of kids running about.

Fortunately, the adults are the ones I am familiar with in church, so there wasn't any awkwardness. But still, I was quite curious as to why my little cousin invited a more mature group. So I asked her and well, she prefers us over her friends I guess! :)

However, my cousin's birthday made me recall of my very first birthday party. I vaguely remember that I was Primary 5 or 6, and I invited around 10 of my friends from school. Mom bought a nice cake, and we ordered in KFC chicken and other finger food. It was fun and poor mom, had to clean up the mess we made after the party was over.

So as I grew up, I became wiser (or lazier, depends on how you'd interpret). Instead of spending money to book a venue and invite a room full of people whom I have to entertain, I decided to have a warm and cosy birthday party for my 21st birthday.

I guess it boils down to an individual's concept of a birthday celebration. I'm definitely one that prefers to be in my own comfort zone with my loved ones and some very good food :D

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