
Kim's Place Seafood


Now that dear and I are working together, we often dine out after work with ourselves or our friends. But when mom cooks, I usually head home for dinner instead.

Any how, part of dining out often consists of choosing what to eat, where to eat, and typically, how much does it cost.

So yesterday, dear and I decided to try out Kim's Place Seafood. After all, it's a stone's throw away from our office and our friends have recommended this place before.

Kim's Place Seafood
3014 Ubi Road 1, #01-308,
Singapore 408702

Original Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee ($4.00)

When we arrived, dear and I ordered their "Original Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee".

Actually, I don't usually order fried food, anything that is visibly oily, anything that looks colorfully wrong, or anything that looks stomachache inducing.

What I frequently consume are probably what I consider safe foods such as Yong Tau Foo, Fish Soup, Noodle Soup, and probably anything else with soup.

As such, I considered myself pretty brave and adventurous for ordering Fried Hokkien Prawn Mee.

Anyway, I must say that their portions are pretty big but taste-wise, it was tasty for the first half of the plate but I soon became sick of the taste after that. Dear also commented that "it's ok lor.." which I interpret as average and probably not fantastic at all.

However I'll probably visit this place again for their Sze Cha, which has been recommended by our friends and by the media (not sure why I didn't try that in the first place).

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