Happy 2010 everyone! :)
Not sure how each of you celebrate your News Year Eve, but for me, I have always countdown in church, followed by some late night activity, before reaching home in the wee mornings and plonking onto my bed in deep slumber.
This year however, there was no countdown service in church. Instead, we ushered in the new year by having a Sunrise Service at 6:30am. It was symbolic, because through the Sunrise Service, we sought God for His plans and His will for our lives and our church in this new year.

At 6:30am, we arrived at Science Centre. The sky was still dark and the streets were quiet.
We started off with a short time of Praise and Worship, followed be some Testimonials. Both young and old testified about the goodness of God, His providence, His sustenance, His grace, His mercies etc. Indeed, God has been faithful.
Pastor then gave a short word of exaltation and encouragement, and shared about the theme of the church in this quarter.
After which, we prayed for one another, for our lives, and for the church.
When the Sunrise Service was over, it was breakfast time, and the church provided us with a free Mcdonalds Meal. But before dear and I headed to Mcdonalds, we took a quick shot of our couple T-shirt that was given by our bosses.
After breakfast, Dear and I popped down Weston's and Christine's place so that dear can help to fix up some computer issue. That was when I met Bella - Weston's and Christine's third bulldog, for the first time.
As usual, I took many pictures of her. Isn't she just adorable?
Anyhow, though I was tired from the lack of sleep the night before, I am glad to be able to make it for the Sunrise Service and visit the Woo family as well.
Nonetheless, I hope you guys have had a great New Year Eve and New Years Day. As for the rest of 2010, I am pretty sure it is going to zoom past us in a flash.
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