The Congkak Board


Congkak is a mancala game played in the island of Borneo, Singapore, and Peninsular Malaysia. (From Wikipedia)

Back in my primary school days, I used to play it with my best friend and I was so hooked to the game ever since. However, I didn't have the chance to play the Congkak in my teens or adulthood because I rarely come across a Congkak Board, or someone who knows how to play a Congkak.

But recently during our stay at Lake Kenyir Resorts & Spa, we saw a Congkak Board lying on one of the tables in the Main Lobby and that's where some our motorcycling friends who know the game, gathered and started playing.

I of course, was drawn to the Congkak Board and before I knew it, I was playing the Congkak and reliving my childhood memories! It was so so FUN!

Dear who was beside me, was intrigued and started asking questions about the rules as he observed us in our game of Congkak. After which, he had a few rounds of the Congkak and ever since then, he was hooked. However, we quickly forgot about the Congkak when we arrived back in Singapore.

So recently, I was scratching my head on what to buy for an anniversary present to dear. As I mentally went through some of the possible items that he might like, I suddenly recalled the game of Congkak that we played in Lake Kenyir and viola! I decided to get him a Congkak board!

With the help of a friend, I was able to contact a seller and without further ado, I met up with him to purchase the Congkak board.

Finally on the day of our anniversary, I presented to dear and he smiled.

Now, every time he sees that I have some time to spare, he'll grin and ask "Congkak?"

Guess this Congkak board is definitely a keeper.

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