
Kruzer: Kong Kong Tai Son


Tell me, who could ever resist a sumptuous meal filled with glorious seafood? That's why, a group of us from Kruzer headed down to Kong Kong Tai Son Seafood Restaurant over the weekend despite the rain.
It stopped raining when we arrived at Kong Kong at about 5 plus. After settling down, I started exploring the place a bit more. Love how this restaurant overlooks the sea. So calming, surreal, and peaceful.

Other than being known for its food, Kong Kong is also known for its 2 giant fish. I call them FREAK fish because they are gigantic, huge, and enormous!

It didn't take long before the food arrived. For all Seafood lovers out that, the following pictures would definitely make your stomach growl.

After all, there were a wide variety of seafood dishes such as Fried Squid, Mantis Prawns, different kind of shellfish (which names I'm not clear of unfortunately), and Bamboo Clams.

For those that were less passionate about Seafood, dishes containing chicken and eggs were ordered.

I hate to admit it but despite my fair liking for seafood, I honestly didn't expect to be having shellfish. Ok fine, I assumed we'd be having the standard Seafood dishes like crabs and lobsters.

But hey, it isn't all too bad. At least my taste buds were adventurous enough to try out new dishes like the "Gong Gong" (I think) and other Seafood which I've never tried before. So I must say, it was more like an adventurous seafood trip for my taste buds!

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