
Birthday At Bistro@Changi


I'll be honest. I entered this week feeling miserable, sad, and 'emo' because the thought of having school on my birthday depresses me. I know it's a silly thing to feel sad about, but hey, I love birthdays; and I do place an incredibly high importance on this day because well.. it's the day that I existed on planet earth!

So with school on my birthday (as well as the day before), followed by cellgroup on Thursday, and school on Friday (again) the only day that I can have my birthday celebration is Monday.

Well, that's better than nothing. At least I still have dear to celebrate with as well.

Like every year, he asked if there was anywhere I wanted to dine, things I'd like to do etc.. So I started googling places in the east and filtered restaurants that were away from the crowd. After a few clicks, I gave dear the address of Bistro@Changi:

Address: No 11 Changi North St 1
#04-03/04, Changi North Industrial Estate
Singapore 498823
Tel: +(65) 6543 2827
Fax: +(65) 6543 2823

Located at the outskirts of Changi, one might find it pretty inconvenient to access this place. Fortunately for us with bikes (and dear's GPS), it was easy.

Upon arrival, I was greeted with strong winds and the smell of nature instantly. Bistro@Changi was a stone's throw from the carpark, and we could identify the place on the first look.

Greeted by their warm and hospitable staff, we were ushered to our seats and were attended to immediately. Fortunately for us, we got quite a nice view of the sea and the winds. It was lovely! Too bad there wasn't any sunset, if not, it would have been perfect!

While waiting for our food to arrive, we took a picture using my camera's self timer function. Not sure if you notice, but we were really trying to smile for 10 seconds with the winds blowing in our faces!

Here's the restaurant. Looks quite simple and plain. The lights do create a warm and romantic setting in the night though.

Our side dish: Potato Wedges were served shortly. It was not too bad, crispy on the outside and EXTREMELY hot on the inside.

Then came dear's orders: Dory Fish with Sambal Sauce, Butter Rice, and Salad. Dear loves it!

I had the Mix Grill, which comprises of an egg, a grilled sausage, chicken, and steak. Quite a good deal for just $23+. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of food. It is really comparable to those cafes or restaurants that are above average.

Lastly, we shared a scoop of Chocolate Ice Cream for dessert.

We finally ended the night by a nice stroll by the beach and some star gazing. It was nice to celebrate this day with my loved one and with nature.

We'll definitely revisit this place again soon!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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